A Progressive Health Plan
Ready your mind and your government body
Want safer gun laws
Want safer BMI
Yoga Mat
Light weights
General Sense of Empathy
Don’t forget to warm up before blocking unsafe NRA initiatives! Stretch quads to prep for political rallies or marches. Prep triceps for peaceful sign-holding, high-fiving and hugging. Advanced: Sing pitch scales while stretching to prep for public group chanting.
Photo: @samisims21
Haters wanna hate. Practice bob and weaves with your body, mind and cell phone to keep anyone who's down on activism from landing a punch. Advanced: Find a partner to practice healthy physical and political rheteric sparring with.
Photo: @hilaryrusso
Say hello to your obliques and your representatives by side-planking while calling them. Remind your lawmakers to strengthen gun-safe laws. New to calling? It’s easy- just look at how much fun Cheri’s having! Advanced: Lift one leg and call The White House.
Photo: @bodybycheri
"I wanted tighter background checks and a tighter backside."
The majority of mass shooters have been men and some blame the cultural perpetuation that gun ownership is masculine. One gun manufacturer even uses the tagline, “Consider your man card re-issued”. Culture is based on supply and demand so if we stop buying gun violence, they’ll stop selling it. Kettlebells are in, guns are out so grab a pair and show men what you really want. Photo: @erikashannonmovement
"We need tighter background checks and tighter backsides."
Challenge your legs and local law enforcement by taking one big step forward together. Domestic violence is one of the most common threads in gun violence, so call your local police and ask if they're doing all they can to prevent it. Learn the signs, don't ignore it, and of course, report it. One of the creepiest stats I've read is that abusers use guns to threaten and control their victims, even if they never pull the trigger. Lunge toward progress.
Photo: @jillianasawyer
This is the perfect move to polish off a week of great work: a little showing off. Learn safe gun storage tips on and share your safe-handling practices. Ask if guns are present. Tell your friends if guns are present. Real friends keep friends safe.
Photo: @theodorable and @jolovenyc
"The danger of firearms and jiggly arms was palpable."
Peacefully plant one leg down and hold a strong stance against unsafe school practices. Protect your little seedlings from unnecessary trauma. Shooter drills are now conducted in 7/10 schools and some instruct kids to put on bloody make-up to simulate the experience. Suggestions: Ask for more mental health screenings in lieu of drills and arming teachers. Feel the calming strength of holding your ground.
Photo: @allyrexercise
Skip the struggle. Take it outside for inspiration! Try targeting new areas. Haters wanna hate. Practice bob and weaves with your body, mind and cell phone to keep them from landing a punch. Clear out any negative voices - whether it’s yours or someone else’s. Keep moving, keep going, keep changing! Advanced: Find a partner to practice healthy physical and political rheteric sparring with.
Photo: @hilaryrusso
Haters wanna hate. Practice bob and weaves with your body, mind and cell phone to keep them from landing a punch. Clear out any negative voices - whether it’s yours or someone else’s. Keep moving, keep going, keep changing! Advanced: Find a partner to practice healthy physical and political rheteric sparring with.
Photo: @hilaryrusso
3. Senatorial Side Planks
Say hello to your obliques and your representatives by side-planking while calling them. Remind your lawmakers to strengthen gun-safe laws. The internet can provide you with your Senators' phone numbers, Congressional numbers. New to calling? It’s easy- just look at how much fun Cheri’s having! Advanced: Lift one leg and call The White House. Photo: @bodybycheri